Meet the Authors

Roxie [rok-zee]


1. Crafter; Friend; Music Lover; Thinker; Reader; Singer; Board Gamer; Introvert.

2. Spanish Teacher; Daughter; Sister; Movie-goer; Yoga Lover; Listener; Joker; Chocoholic; Coffee Drinker; Roxie likes using her imagination and thinking outside the box.  She hopes to instill these principles in her students.


1. Artsy; Emotional; Patient; Anxious; Fashionable; Guarded; Eco-friendly; Pessimistic; Optimistic; Empathetic; 20-something-years-old.

Heather [heth-er]

1. Summer Camp Director; Colorado Dweller; Explorer; Folk Lover; Crafter; Knitter; Reader; Runner; Dreamer.

2. Friend; Daughter; Sister; Cook; Hiker; Photographer; Shoulder to Cry On; Traveler; Adult; Heather has a passion for the outdoors, knitting, being creative in general, the nonprofit sector, green living, and traveling.


1. Vegetarian; Creative; Laid-Back; Independent; Sensitive; Adventurous; Bossy; Self-Conscious; Loved; 20-something-years-old.

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