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Characters: Attractive
Habitat for Humanity guy, me.

Setting: My new off-white walled rental in Littleton, CO

Plot: Cream, standard, bland; these are all words to describe my apartment. Don’t get me wrong, its a great layout and I love the space, but it didn’t feel like home and had no character. So, I rolled up my sleeves and bought shipping pallets for only $1 (ONE DOLLAR) each. I bought them at the Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore – which is basically like a thrift store except they sell donated building supplies.

It took some heavy lifting, but I got them up into my apartment, sanded them down so I wouldn’t impale myself with a giant splinter, “white washed” them with some turquoise acrylic paint (which dried SUPER fast), and set them behind my bed.

For safety, I would recommend anchoring them to the wall – but I lack a drill so I am taking my chances.
